Forum for the Internationalist Communist Left
250 years of Capitalism - §1 & §2 :
§1 : A rapid overview of 250 years of modern Capitalism
§2 : The Class Struggle from 1760 to the Russian Revolution
250 years of Capitalism - §3 : An economically polarized World
The falsehoods of the ICC - § I & II :
§1 : A Brake on the Productive Forces since 1914 – or their Acceleration ?
§2 : A Halt to Real and Sustainable Reforms after 1914 – or their Accentuation ?
The falsehoods of the ICC - § III :
§3 : The national question before and after 1914
In Defense of Historical Materialism (I) : A Reply to Link and Anibal
1. Questioning the Obsolescence of Capitalism
2. Obsolescence according to Marx, the 3rd International and the Communist Left
3. Myths and Reality of the Changes of Capitalism in 1914
4. What is the Horizon for Estimating the Obsolescence of Capitalism ?
In Defense of Historical Materialism (Part II)
5. Discussion of Historical Materialism
6. What are the Real Changes in 1914 ?