Forum for the Internationalist Communist Left
Three document of TŘÍDNÍ VÁLKA.
The texts here reproduced are of the Czech group TŘÍDNÍ VÁLKA (Class War). They give a profound analysis of the events in Ukrain from a clear internationalist working class perspective.
We would like to draw particularly attention to the document of August 2014 containing a clear condemnation of both war-camps in place, an appeal to revolutionary defaitism as well as a lot of precise information on strikes, manifestations and anti-war assemblees in Ukrain which moblised thousands of persons.
It is comforting to learn that many strikes were held against the degradation of living conditions and for an end of war operations in the Donbas-area.
Equally clarifying is the exemple of the Community of parents in de Donetsk region “Kroha” which resisted the enlisting and put forward slogans like “Our Children are not cannon fodder!”
Or again the reactions of the soldiers of the reinforced enlisting which was decided by Kiev on July 24th 2014 and whom state: “We are not volunteers but enlisted” in order to condemn the deceitful governmental nationalist campaigns which presented them as “volunteers for the struggle against the pro-russians of the Donbas”.
As the site of “TŘÍDNÍ VÁLKA” is sometimes difficult to access, we reproduce here the full texts.
April 2014
Mai 2014
August 2014